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Dedicated and Caring Tutor

Hello Students! My name is Jennifer and I'm excited to be able to help you with any of your learning needs. I graduated from Elma High School in 2004 with a 4.0 GPA and was valedictorian of my class. During high school, I took several Advanced Placement classes, including Spanish, English and Calculus. I'm one of those rare ones who actually LIKES to study and learn. I then went on to study at the University of Washington and graduated in 2008 with a 3.6 GPA. My degree was in sociology with...

algebra 1

algebra 2




elementary math


general computer




SAT math

SAT reading




Allen J. from Graham, WA

Jennifer did a wonderful job. My kids forgot or didn't bring their books home and that was no problem for her. She got the kids going on problems she made up and they actually were the same problems the kids have been working on in school. She got them to warm up to her and got the kids going. My boys really liked her and said she doesn't play around. I would not have any problem recommending her.

Dan F. from Reston, VA

I met Jennifer B. for the first time last week. My daughter, said she has been patient and understanding. I have purchased more credit to keep her coming. She's been a great help to my daughter's math studies.