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Math/science/biostat/statistics/epidemiology tutor

I have College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Science Tutor certification and I am certified chemist by the American Chemical Society. I tutored chemistry, math and physics throughout my undergraduate education. I have a firm understanding of concepts in the physical and biological sciences, math and biostatistics and will be happy to help....

algebra 1

algebra 2







organic chemistry




Joanne S. from Saint Paul, MN

Really connects with my daughter, great at clearing up topics. Timely and patient. Arthur helps my daughter prepare and predict test questions so she can do well on test and feel confident.

Jeff R. from Saint Paul, MN

Arthur does a really good job of explaining statistics. I would usually bring the homework I was doing to each session and we would go over it. Arthur would explain the core concepts and if available some online statistics calculators to make crunching the data easier. Most teachers never mention or show how to use anything except excel, it was nice to be shown some alternative methods.

Jawad T. from Minneapolis, MN

Arthur did a great job helping me to prepare for my Biostats midterm exam despite contacting him at the last minute. He responded quickly and was very patient in teaching me the concepts that I needed to grasp in a short period of time. I would highly recommend Arthur if you're looking for a tutor in statistics or any kind of math-related subject.

Rita J. from Saint Paul, MN

Arthur is great with my son. He got behind in high school accelerated chemistry and Arthur has helped him understand concepts that he missed. Highly recommend him.