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Spanish at highest level. 25 years as news anchor, teacher

My native language is Spanish. I was born in Colombia and I have been working as disc-jockey, news anchor for radio stations and TV channels and Spanish teacher for over 25 years; I love to teach it at the the highest level possible. I am specialized in giving tips and tools to executives as well as young people in order to learn quickly this magnificent language. Because I love sports and have a special passion for hobbies like model airplanes and aviation, my teaching classes are a combin...


Marilyn G. from Snohomish, WA

I am starting from scratch with Spanish, but with Oscar's style I seem to be learning at a great pace. He is very patient and good-natured. Being originally from Colombia, he is able to tie the Spanish lessons into customs and culture. The time of my lessons passes quickly, with just the right level of challenge.