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Self-published Novelist, Musician & Full-Figured Model

I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a 3.9 GPA from Saint Martin's University. I taught crisis intervention skills (primarily active listening and de-escalation) for three years at the Crisis Clinic in Thurston county. I taught singing for three years as a wellness course for state employees. I have a 4.0 GPA in every music class I've ever taken (at both the college and high school level). I have written music and performed it live for over 16 years....



music theory




study skills

I maintained a 3.9 GPA in high school and college. I know how to prioritize my time, utilize breaks, and study for tests. I can teach students the Pomodoro method, reward systems, and how to triage homework for time management as needed. I have completed 4 novels within a single month, which means I can teach strategies for meeting deadlines.

voice (music)
